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Umber moths and Dotted Border- Ennominae and Larentiinae

Identify moths


1. Mottled Umber, Scarce Umber and Dotted Border
These are Autumn and Winter moths.
Only the male moths are shown as these come to light. The females are almost wingless.

Mottled Umber Flight period October-January

Usually Mottled Umber has a prominent black dot halfway down the forewing near to the leading edge.
In some forms however all markings are concealed by mottling

This group of moths are so variable in markings that wing shape is often a better indicator than markings.

The forewing tip is rounded but on quite a small radius.

The outer edge of the forewing is almost straight.

Scarce Umber - Flight period October-January

The forewing tip is rounded but on a wider radius than in Mottled Umber.

The outer edge of the forewing is continuously curved.

Dotted Border - Flight period mainly February, March

A clear row of dots along the outer edge of the wing above the fringe.
On hindwing as well as forewing.

2. Dark Umber, Waved Umber and Small Waved Umber
Flight period of these moths is early summer.
Distinguishing marks are often obscured, in which case species are separated by wing shape.

Dark Umber

Waved Umber
Forewing length about 20 mm

Small Waved Umber
Forewing length about 16 mm

Overall colouring is usually very dull.

Central crossband usually light in colour.

A dark central crossband has a projection pointing at the forewing tip.

Several dark spots, including a large one near to the outer edge of the forewing.

Outer edge of wings scalloped. Scalloped edge of hindwing very rounded.

Outer edge of wings scalloped. Scalloped edge of hindwing not rounded.

Small Waved Umber often has similar colouring and markings to Waved Umber
but is smaller.

Small Waved Umber does not have the scalloped outer edge to the wings of Waved Umber.

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